ESGI 187
The 187th ESGI will be held on 14-18 July 2025 at the University of Bristol.
About the ESGI
The European Study Group with Industry (ESGI) is a five-day workshop that brings together mathematical and data scientists and partners from business, industry, and government. Partners present a pressing problem they are currently facing, and mathematical and data scientists work on finding a solution. ESGIs are internationally recognised as a cost-effective means of making real progress on current challenges in just a few days. Several ESGI events are held throughout Europe as a core activity of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry.
ESGI Format
ESGI 187 will follow the tried-and-tested format:
On the first day of the workshop, each organisation presents their challenges.
The mathematical and data scientists then split into groups and, for the next three days, intensely work on idea brainstorming, model building, and problem solving.
On the final day, each group presents their progress and recommended routes forward.
After the meeting, appropriate deliverables from the week will be made available to the organisation; traditionally this has been a technical report summarising the week’s work. Examples of past reports can be found in the MIIR repository.
In principle, there are no limits to the problems that can be tackled! We are expecting over 70 mathematical and data scientists from across the UK and Europe to participate in our workshop. Their expertise often spans statistical modelling, data science, fluid and solid mechanics, heat and mass transport, and machine learning.