EMAT30008: Scientific Computing

Initial value problems for ODEs

Assignment outline

You will provide a code repository demonstrating your solutions to the problems that we will go through in the rest of this unit. More details will be given later about how to organise your submission but for now we will begin by creating the initial repository and adding some code for the basic exercises below.

The aim here is to make our own version of scipy's odeint or Matlab's ode45 functions. A script demonstrating the use of odeint can be found here. We should imagine that the code we write is going to be part of a large library of numerical routines that use each other and that can be used for different things. Each function we write here will be reused later as an elementary part of a more complicated numerical solver. The code should be well structured and modular and reusable. All functions should be clearly documented with examples of how to use them.


  1. Create a new git repository on GitHub called something like emat30008. Make sure that it is a private repo.

  2. Use git clone <URL> to clone the repository to your computer

  3. Go into the folder with cd and use git status to check that everything is setup correctly.

  4. For each exercise below you should work through the exercise and then:

    1. Use git add to add any new files you've created or files you've changed.

    2. Use git diff or git diff --cached to see changes before you commit them.

    3. Commit with a meaningful message using git commit -m 'meaningful message'

  5. When you're done working on any particular machine (or every now and again) use git push to send your changes to the git repository on your hosting service.

  6. As you're going along make brief notes including your findings (and figures).

Assignment problems

  1. Use the Euler method to solve the ODE x˙=x\dot{x} = x with initial condition x(0)=1x(0) = 1. You should use this to estimate x(1)x(1) using different timesteps. Produce a (nicely formatted) plot with double logarithmic scale showing how the error depends on the size of the timestep Δt\Delta t.

    1. Ensure that you have a function called euler_step that does a single Euler step.

    2. Also make a function called solve_to which solves from x1,t1x_1,t_1 to x2,t2x_2,t_2 in steps no bigger than deltat_max. This should be similar to scipy's odeint function.

  2. Repeat part 1 using the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method.

    1. Make it so that when calling solve_to you can choose whether to use the Euler method or RK4.

    2. How does the error depend on Δt\Delta t now? How does this compare with the error for the Euler method (put this in the same plot)?

    3. Find step-sizes for each method that give you the same error - how long does each method take? (you can use the time command when running your Python script)

  3. (Essential!) Extend your Euler and RK4 routines to be able to work with systems of ODEs. Use this to solve the 2nd order ODE x¨=x\ddot{x} = - x which is equivalent to the system x˙=y,y˙=x\dot{x} = y, \dot{y} = -x. Plot the results. What should the true solutions be? What goes wrong with the numerical solutions if you run them over a large range of tt? (This is clearer if you plot xx against x˙\dot{x} rather than xx against tt and if you use timesteps that are not very small.)

  4. Bonus points: implement some other methods rather than just Euler and RK4. There are loads of different 1-step integration methods.