EMAT30008: Scientific Computing



The deadline for submission is 13:00 on Thursday, 25 April 2023 (week 23).


This unit will be assessed by a single piece of coursework. Rather than being a discrete piece of work, the coursework will be the cumulation of material covered each week of the course. Each week will build on the previous and form part of the assessment.

The final submission of the coursework should consist of

  1. a clean Git repository, i.e., git status gives no warnings of uncommitted files or changes, containing the software developed and the development history, and

  2. a short report written as a Jupyter notebook that demonstrates the capabilities of your software and descibes the thought processes that went into it.

The two parts of the coursework, code and report, will be weighted equally (i.e., 50:50). Details about each component are below.

There is no need to try hide mistakes you made in the software development process — this is a learning process. If you haven't made any mistakes, you probably haven't learnt anything.

Ensure that we have read access to your Git repository by adding us as collaborators[1]. You will need our GitHub usernames to do this[1]

[1] David Barton (@dawbarton on GitHub); Matthew Hennessy (@hennessymatt on GitHub)


The aim of the coursework is to integrate the work you do from each week into a single piece of software. The software should be in the form of Python modules that can be imported into Python scripts or Jupyter notebooks.

The software you develop will provide a suite of tools for solving mathematical problems involving differential equations. Specifically, the software should be able to:

Your code should work with arbitrary systems of ordinary differential equations (of any number of dimensions). Moreover, it should work with second-order diffusive partial differential equations with a variety of boundary conditions and source terms.

The code should consist of one or many Python modules. Each module should contain Python functions or classes that carry out the above computations and that take as input:

You should take care to define appropriate interfaces between each of the components so that the resulting code is modular and follows the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.

Your code should be fully tested against a range of inputs and (known) outputs. Inputs that do not have a solution should be handled gracefully.

Your code should be documented appropriately.

Even if you are not able to complete the entire coursework, you should aim, insofar as possible, to demonstrate an understanding of the software engineering principles and mathematical concepts taught in the course.


The final code should be in the form of one or more .py files (not a Jupyter notebook) so they can be used as a library.

Git repository

Everyone should create a new Git repository, hosted on GitHub, for this unit. We expect you to commit all your code to this repository on a regular basis. As a general rule, if you've been working on your uncommitted code for an hour (or more) then you should make another commit.

Remember to push your changes to GitHub periodically! If you leave any files on the lab machines from session to session, they may not be there when you return.

While it is possible to commit only the final version of your code (i.e., with no history) into the Git repository, you will not be attaining intended learning outcome 5. (the use of sound software engineering principles) and your work will be marked down accordingly.

Version control is for code (and other text) but not for data files. If you generate any data or figures, it's good to put the scripts that generated them into Git but don't include the data or figures themselves[2].

By design, this part of the course builds up week-by-week and so it is natural to put the code in the same repository. Even if you end up creating a set of independent scripts to achieve the end goal (which is far from the best way of doing it), these should all be committed to the same repository.

Read Git Best Practices.

[2] Git has limited support for large data files — Git LFS — but it isn't that widespread yet.


The report must be contained in a single Jupyter notebook. The report has three parts:

Penalties may be incurred if the word counts are exceeded (see below)

Demo of your software

Word limit: none

You will demonstrate the capabilities of your software by using it to solve a set of mathematical problems involving ordinary and partial differential equations. Everyone will solve the same set of problems. The problems will be released on Friday of Week 20 (15 March). The problems will be similar to the weekly exercises that can be found on the unit website.

The demo section will be used to assess your implementations of the numerical methods covered in the unit as well as your your ability to select appropriate numerical methods for various problems.

In the demo section of your report, you should use code cells to import your Python modules, define and run any functions that are needed to solve the problems, create any plots, and display any output. The code that is contained in the code cells of the report must run without error. We will re-execute the code in the cells use the output for assessment.

Markdown cells can be used to add section headings and add written explanations when necessary.

You should use high-level Python functions to carry out the computations and keep the code concise. You should not write low-level code in the report that implements the steps of the numerical methods; this low-level code should be contained in Python modules that are imported. Adding code for plotting and printing output is fine.

For example, suppose one of the problems to solve is the logistic ODE given by u˙=u(1u)\dot{u} = u(1 - u) over the range 0t100 \leq t \leq 10 with initial condition u(0)=0.1u(0) = 0.1 using the Euler method. A good code demonstration for this problem would look like:

import ode_solvers as ode

# Define a Python function for the logistic ODE
def logistic(t, u):
  return u * (1 - u)

# Run the ODE solver using Euler's method
t, u = ode.solve(logistic, ic = [0.1], t_range = [0, 10], method = "Euler")

Here, ode_solvers is a module that has been created with all of the Python code for solving ODEs, and solve is a high-level function to solve arbritrary ODEs with various numerical methods.

Description of the key software design decisions

Word limit: 1250 words[3]

The key design decisions should be described and justified. For example, you could explain your thinking behind the overall structure and interfaces of your code (e.g. how you made the various parts of your code work together), the data structures and variable types you used, your choice of solvers (e.g. SciPy vs NumPy), any code optimisations you made, etc.

This part of the report should only involve text (no code, no figures, etc). It should be contained in a single markdown cell. A word count must be provided.

[3] Do not feel as if you must use all 1250 words. A concise report is better than a report with waffle.

Reflective learning log

Word limit: 750 words

The reflective learning log is a key part of the report. The course is focusing on the development of software engineering skills rather than knowledge. Reviewing your learning in this way is a key part of developing your skills.

From the Open University reflective thinking can be described as

Key questions you should try to answer in your learning log are as follows.

You will probably find it helpful to make notes on the answers to these questions each week.


Your software will be marked both on the quality of the code (software engineering) and achievement of the scientific aims with roughly equal weighting.

A good first-class answer would demonstrate

A bare pass answer would demonstrate


Please upload a PDF of your report (e.g. by printing as a PDF from your Jupyter Notebook) to Blackboard by the submission deadline. Be sure to include the Jupyter Notebook itself (i.e. the .ipynb file) in your GitHub repository.

Only the Jupyter Notebook version of the report will be assessed. So don't worry if the PDF is poorly formatted.

Your GitHub repository will be pulled for the final time immediately after the submission deadline.