Parallel Computations of Superfluid Vortex Dynamics Systems

Parallel Computations of Superfluid Vortex Dynamics Systems #

Adrian Parrado Almoguera

14:30 Monday in 4Q04.

Part of the Numerical methods session.

Abstract #

Superfluids are quantum fluids that flow without dissipation and present a new turbulence type called superfluid turbulence. The lack of dissipation in the flow results from the zero-viscosity present within superfluids, therefore, it allows a superfluid to move without viscous losses. Superfluid turbulence is essentially a tangle of interactive vortex filaments of quantised circulation. In order to understand superfluid turbulence with very dense vortex tangles, serial computations are not efficient enough, due to a complexity of O(N)2, therefore we have developed a parallel vortex dynamics code that is able to compute the Biot-Savart integral to calculate the superfluid vortex velocities and allows us to probe the physics of very dense vortex tangles. The code execution acceleration achieved by parallelisation results in a speed up of a factor of 6.5. I present parallel calculations with reconnecting and interacting bundles of superfluid vortices that resemble classical filaments. Furthermore, I present calculations of energy spectra for the isolated vortex configurations and vortex bundles cases.