Characterising eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration

Characterising eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration #

Remi Hernandez

15:30 Monday in 4Q56.

Part of the Mathematical and computational ophthalmology session.

Abstract #

Patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) experience quick and often irreversible loss of vision from the growth of pathological vasculature in the central area of the retina, the macula. An up-regulation of vascular growth factors (VEGF) is believed to drive the growth of new vessels. Currently, nAMD is treated with frequent injections of VEGF inhibitors and represents a burden for patients. Furthermore, many patients remain irresponsive to treatment. It is likely that the standard of care for nAMD are not suited for those patients. Developing individualized treatment strategy requires characterising the diseased retina. In particular, hypoxia is known to drive VEGF production.

We aim to develop a framework to relate image-based vascular metrics with the underlying disease state of the retina. To this end, we are developing realistic vascular networks which will form virtual nAMD populations. Blood flow and oxygen transport simulations (0D) in the vascular networks are coupled with a 3D reaction-diffusion model of tissue perfusion. With this framework, we aim to 1) clarify the role of hypoxia in nAMD, 2) quantify the severity of nAMD based on routine clinical images and 3) perform in silico clinical trials of anti-VEGF treatment.