Numerical study of Navier-Stokes flows in the whole space

Numerical study of Navier-Stokes flows in the whole space #

Koji Ohkitani

14:10 Monday in 4Q04.

Part of the Numerical methods session.

Abstract #

A majority of numerical experiments of the Navier-Stokes equations, lacking
physical boundaries, have been conducted under periodic boundary conditions.
In this talk, in order to access the effect of periodicity upon the flow
properties, specifically we take up two-dimensional incompressible flows and
carry out numerical simulations in the whole plane to compare with those
under periodic boundaries. We solve the Navier-Stokes equations on a square
region using a finite-difference scheme. After checking the time evolution of
the Oseen vortex with the exact solution, we simulate merging of like-signed
vortices to compare with that under periodic boundaries. We are particularly
interested in the decay law of the total enstrophy and spatial patterns.
Time permitting, we mention results from three-dimensional computations.