Investigations of Polymer stretching in a System of Turbulent Vortices

Investigations of Polymer stretching in a System of Turbulent Vortices #

Justina Ikudehinbu

12:10 Wednesday in 3E11.

Part of the Applied fluid dynamics session.

Abstract #

We investigate the behaviour of the interaction of polymer within the no-flow (infinite) regime, and turbulent flow as a drag reducing agent. A coarse-grained molecular-dynamics model of polymeric chains in an aqueous polyethylene oxide (PEO) solution is modelled incorporating the hydrodynamic interactions, non-linear elasticity, effects of Brownian motions (thermal fluctuations) and excluded volume interactions. We compute the longest relaxation time scale in an infinite boundary to provide more information about the relative importance of hydrodynamics interactions, elastic effects and Brownian motion on the polymer and also, modelling a solution using the bead-spring model to compute the turbulent polymeric flow including fully resolved, creeping microflow fields due to the hydrodynamic interactions between the chains and effect of Brownian motion to better understand the polymeric stretching in a turbulent flow field.