Nonlinear dynamics and applications

Nonlinear dynamics and applications #

Contributed talks

From Resistor Networks to the Human Connectome: Modelling Capillary Network Rarefaction in the Prion Dynamics of Alzheimer’s Disease #

Andrew Ó hEachteirn

10:30 Wednesday in 4Q04.

Cycling behaviour and spatial structure in a heteroclinic network model of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock #

Alastair M Rucklidge

10:50 Wednesday in 4Q04.

Periodic forcing of a chaotic fluid system #

Filip A Jovanovic, Tom S Eaves

11:10 Wednesday in 4Q04.

Breather modes of fully two dimensional triangular lattice. #

Reem Almarashi, Jonathan Wattis, Rachel Nicks

11:30 Wednesday in 4Q04.

Towards a computer-assisted existence proof for the C-type renormalisation 2-cycle #

Andrew Burbanks, Andrew Osbaldestin

11:50 Wednesday in 4Q04.

Dynamical systems and asymptotic analysis; an age old symbiosis #

Alan Champneys

12:10 Wednesday in 4Q04.