New mathematical approaches in the life sciences

New mathematical approaches in the life sciences #

Organisers: Rachel Bennett, Alex Mietke, and Ryan Palmer

Minisymposium abstract

From micro to macro-scales, living systems present some of the most fascinating phenomena around us. Many recent developments at the interface of biology and physics have arisen from multi-disciplinary research in which mathematics has played a crucial role. In this minisymposium, we provide a platform for emerging topics that have recently gained traction in mathematical biology. The biological themes covered by the speakers include wound healing, the structure of viruses, modern population dynamics, and sensory biology.

In addressing these problems, the speakers will highlight ideas from applied mathematics that extend the traditional remit of mathematical biology exploiting the latest developments in fields such as collective dynamics, group theory, micro-fluidics, geometry, PDE theory, machine learning and electrostatics. Together these topics indicate how a wide arsenal of mathematical methods are required to understand the living world. The broader context and impact of the presented topics will also be visited including: insights for health care and medical research, new perspectives on the ecological impact of human activity, ideas for bio-inspired technological and more.

Exploring electrical environments: the unique sense of electroreception #

Ryan Palmer, Isaac V Chenchiah, Daniel Robert

13:30 Tuesday in 4Q56.

Extended Pair Correlation Functions for Multiplex Medical Imaging #

Joshua A Bull, Helen M Byrne

13:50 Tuesday in 4Q56.

Mathematics, the Mind and Alzheimer’s disease: Systematical progression on brain graphs #

Prama Putra, Alain Goriely

14:10 Tuesday in 4Q56.

Field Theories of Branching in Cell Populations, Epidemiology and Neuronal Signals #

Johannes Pausch

14:30 Tuesday in 4Q56.

Viral geometry as a key to understanding viral infections #

Reidun Twarock

14:50 Tuesday in 4Q56.

Mathematical and deep learning analysis of wound healing in flies #

Jake Turley, I V Chenchiah, T B Liverpool, H Weavers, P Martin

15:10 Tuesday in 4Q56.