Chemo-mechanical couplings in growing tissues

Chemo-mechanical couplings in growing tissues #

Organisers: Alexander Erlich

Minisymposium abstract

The functioning of living soft tissues is influenced by a complex interplay of biological, chemical, and mechanical factors. Researchers in fields such as biomechanics, biophysics, and medical engineering have been working to understand these coupling mechanisms and their implications. In this mini-symposium, we review some of the most recent of chemo-mechanical coupling theories for soft biological tissues (e.g., tumors, the cardiovascular and physiological system, nerves) and organoids. The work presented here will show mathematical frameworks capable of capturing intricate multiphysics couplings between growth, finite elasticity, reaction-diffusion systems on growing domains.

A patient-specific framework for studying the influence of chemo-mechanical cues on brain tumour growth and surrounding healthy tissue damage. #

Chiara Giverso, Francesca Ballatore, Giulio Lucci

10:30 Tuesday in 4Q56.

Minimal Morphoelastic Models of Solid Tumour Spheroids #

Benjamin Walker, Giulia L Celora, Alain Goriely, Derek E Moulton, Helen M Byrne

11:10 Tuesday in 4Q56.

The effects of non-local diffusion on the growth of an avascular tumour #

Ariel Ramirez Torres, Mariam Al Mudarra, Alfio Grillo

11:30 Tuesday in 4Q56.

Mechanotransduction in axon: Remodelling of the actin cortex #

Davide Riccobelli, D Andrini, V Balbi, G Bevilacqua, G Lucci, G Pozzi

11:50 Tuesday in 4Q56.

Mechanical feedback in size regulation #

Alexander Erlich, Pierre Recho

12:10 Tuesday in 4Q56.