Cell and tissue mechanics

Cell and tissue mechanics #

Contributed talks

Mechanotransduction in organoid development #

Kieran Boniface

14:10 Monday in 3Q68.

Quantifying Cytoskeletal Dynamics and Remodeling from Live-imaging Microscopy Data #

Kairui Li

14:30 Monday in 3Q68.

A Mathematical Modelling Framework to Investigate the Alignment of Fibroblasts #

Vivienne Leech

14:50 Monday in 3Q68.

Bayesian inference on a microstructural, hyperelastic model of tendon deformation #

Tom Shearer, James Haughton, Simon Cotter, William Parnell

15:10 Monday in 3Q68.

Using Bayesian data selection to improve modelling of biological tissue mechanics with application to tendons #

Jessica E Forsyth, James Casey, Tom Shearer, Simon Cotter

15:30 Monday in 3Q68.

Application of Bayesian statistics to tendon mechanical models to quantify uncertainty of mechanical model parameters. #

James Casey, Jessica Forsyth, Tom Shearer, Simon Cotter

15:50 Monday in 3Q68.