Advances in water waves and free-surface flows

Advances in water waves and free-surface flows #

Organisers: Jack Keeler, Alberto Alberello, Darren Crowdy, Phil Trinh, and Miles Wheeler

Minisymposium abstract

Advances in mathematical and numerical modelling of water waves and free-surface flows have benefitted applications in industry, marine engineering, and physical oceanography, amongst other fields. This minisymposia will focus on recent advances, in both pure and applied mathematics, and touch upon topics such as nonlinear wave-wave interactions, wave-structure interactions, wave interactions with complex bottom bathymetry, and viscous free-surface flows. Discussions on fundamental issues of vorticity, surface tension, instabilities, and geometry will also be central.

Water waves with vorticity and the Schwarz function #

Darren Crowdy

11:10 Monday in 2Q42.

Exact solutions for submerged von Kármán point vortex streets cotravelling with a wave on a linear shear cuurent #

Jack Keeler, Darren Crowdy

11:30 Monday in 2Q42.

On Ostrovsky-type models #

Karima Khusnutdinova, Matthew Tranter

11:50 Monday in 2Q42.

Incipient wave breaking within higher-order spectral methods #

Tatjana Kokina, J N Steer, S A Hasan, F Dias

12:10 Monday in 2Q42.

Desingularization and global continuation for hollow vortices #

Miles Wheeler, Robin Ming Chen, Samuel Walsh

12:30 Monday in 2Q42.

Interfacial gravity waves and their limiting configurations #

Xin Guan, Jean-Marc Vanden-Broeck

12:50 Monday in 2Q42.

Modulational instability and recurrence of hydrodynamic waves with frequency-dependent dissipation #

Alberto Alberello, Emilian Parau

14:10 Monday in 2Q42.

A thin plate approximation for thick floating ice #

Luke Bennetts

14:30 Monday in 2Q42.

Ship wave patterns on floating ice sheets #

Emilian Parau

14:50 Monday in 2Q42.

The nonlinear Benjamin-Feir instability - a discrete Hamiltonian approach #

Raphael Stuhlmeier, David Andrade

15:10 Monday in 2Q42.

Exponential asymptotics for the Saffman-Taylor problem in a wedge #

Cecilie Andersen, Chris Lustri, Scott McCue, Phil Trinh

15:30 Monday in 2Q42.

Three dimensional hydroelastic solitary waves in shallow water #

Yanghan Meng, Zhan Wang

15:50 Monday in 2Q42.